The Reality Check:

Repinning other businesses' content on Pinterest might seem harmless, even productive. After all, isn't sharing caring? Well, not always. In the context of your business's Pinterest marketing strategy, it’s a self-inflicted wound.


The Underlying Problem:

When you repin someone else's content, you’re driving your followers and potential clients straight to another business. Imagine all the effort you put into cultivating your Pinterest presence, only to divert your audience elsewhere. It’s like building a fanbase for another band when you're the one singing on stage.


A Relatable Scenario:

Consider this: would Nike ever sell Adidas shoes in their stores? Sure, it might attract Adidas fans, but at the end of the day, Nike would be paying their store's rent, their employees' salaries, and all overheads, while Adidas reaps the benefits of the sales. It’s not just counterproductive; it's business suicide.


What You Should Be Doing:

Your Pinterest board should showcase your brand, your values, and your products. If you find your board lacking in content, then it’s a sign you need to invest more in content creation. Make your pins count. Make them valuable. Make them irresistibly clickable.


The Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed:

If the idea of constantly generating fresh, engaging content sounds daunting, don’t fret. There are numerous strategies to build a Pinterest profile that not only looks good but also drives traffic and sales effectively. Sometimes, it's just about finding the right ally to guide you.


Your Next Step:

If you're ready to dive deep into the world of Pinterest and make it work harder for your business, I'm here to help. With tailored strategies and content creation offerings, we can revolutionize your Pinterest game together. Whether you're a newbie or an old hand looking for a revamp, it's time to take back control.


Don’t let your efforts go to waste. Turn your Pinterest board into a powerhouse of traffic, engagement, and conversions.


Ready to get started? Let’s connect!


Not ready to outsource? Check out the Pinterest Protege Course. 

20 September 2023

Repinning on Pinterest: Are You Giving Away Your Game?

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In the digital world, there’s a thin line between taking inspiration and handing over your power. One platform where this becomes particularly tricky is Pinterest. You might be inadvertently giving away your traffic, and that’s a strategy we need to address.

Website created WebWave.

Pinterest Marketing and Strategy

Chari Jane